Cleveland, OHIO (USA) February 2, 2005 -- "WOW'...'BEAUTIFUL'...' possibly the most important musical message of today'! These are a few of the responses regarding the hot new Maxi-Single CD recording entitled GOD BLESS THE WORLD-WHILE YOU BLESS AMERICA (aka.... Not Just America) written, produced and performed by Cleveland, Ohio native GREG JONES.
RING TONES From the RGW MobyPhone Shop
Mobile Ring Tones Screensavers Wallpapers and
Games here now on RGW. There is no subscription fee you take your
choice pay for it and that's it. You can hear the ring tones before
you buy and there is 10.000 plus to choose from with a search engine.
Hard Eight took the club by storm, getting calls from the bookers and reviewers for a great performance and there turn out. They have booked them again, at Paladino's, in Tarzana, Ca. We had over 40 people for the first gig, also gave away 30 CD's and still ran out!!
You can find Hard Eight on yahoo as well, ID: hardeight_net
Leave them a message, add them to your contact...then enjoy chatting with there fans and giving you the latest.
You can hear other tunes of the our band at, the link provide for CDbaby.
Also in the artist Search section on this RGW website is Hard 8 bio and a track of music along with there award for outstanding music...stay tuned for this band alot more to come in the near future
Bermuda-01/24/05- The story of Robert Symons is interesting and moving. In what was to become a lifetime pattern of diligence and dedication, he set out to teach himself the instruments of his profession at a very early age.
M3 Records Takes Over Music’s Evolution Worldwide
Music's Evolution
What part do you play?
M3 Records Takes Over Music’s Evolution Worldwide
J.E. Mosley, M.M.M.CEO
Are you tired of the Music Industry telling you what you should like? Are you sick of the same old processed pop copies from the bowels of New York, L. A., St. Louis & Chicago’s tapped out music scene? Well you aren't alone. The consensus based on the mail crossing my desk at Millennium Music Mission Records (M3) is that mainstream music is stale. Very little has changed in the past 20 years. The music that impacts our lives has not evolved. If you speak on the verbal corruption of lyrics, then I stand corrected. But as for the true art of music creativity, it is mired deep in the mud of industrial manipulation and exploitation.