RGW DJ in Deep Poo Now » News » Radio Gets Wild

Announcements RGW DJ in Deep Poo Now

Posted by radiogetswild on (2620 views)

Congratulation To DJ Jakob and his better half Lillian for bringing a little poo into the world.

A boy weighing in at 5lb 9oz and named Alexander. Jakob in the last RGW Marathon held the first RGW broadcast live from Shi poo China last year (hence the pun).. Choose Read More below to see more pictures of the happy event

Yes Alex this is one of those baby pic's all Mums & Dads have the traditional rights of showing your first or best ever Girlfriend Later on in life over the Dinner table. As as all Mum dads enjoy the Red glow from yourself and you wonder where the hell is a hole small enough for you to crawl into .





After you having the shock of your girlfriend coming out with comments like My isnt he cute and oboy art you a big boy, you can then each and every year enjoy being presented with a cake and presents on this special day and watch each year having more candles being placed on it till it looks more like yours dads at present day  A creamy bonfire.

All the Crew here at Radio Gets Wild welcomes you Alexlandar



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