Congratulation to the Instigators » News » Radio Gets Wild

Awards Congratulation to the Instigators

Posted by inanglia on (4076 views)

Congratulation to the Instigators and many thanks for a wicked live interview. The interview can still be heard if you missed it on the music on demand. This will be placed in a couple of weeks time. Check out the Artist search for more info and one of there tracks which is featured on there. Alone with there website URL details.

Are you an Artist and would like to apply for an award go to the main menu and choose Artist awards....


The Instigators are three brothers who have decided to get their music " in the air " through the world wide web. We have completed 6 CD's. Our first called " Through space and time " has the classic "Time Traveller " The second CD called " The revolutions here " confirms the bands homage to the Thunderclap Newman song " Something in the air ".

The third CD " Our gods are gone " from which " Old Man " is taken sees the band explore their Celtic roots.

" Swimming with sharks " has been acclaimed as " Floydish " and is our first concept album. This was followed by the " Barber of Peru " heavily influenced by Santana and the Sensational Alex Harvey Band. Our last album " Seventh sense " tells a tale of the Tuatha De Danaan and how they disappeared off the face of the Earth. It also was the first song picked up by Radio Seagull. We are currently working on two other projects, " The Children of Lir " and our next CD " Now what "

We took the name of the band from the song " Something in the Air " by Thunderclap Newman. It's opening line is " Call out the Instigators because there's something in the air" We thought it very appropriate given the new musical era heralded by Broadband and Independent Radio.

Contact Dee, Artist Promotion Manager for Radio Gets Wild for further details.



A very big thank you to Tim ,Dee and everyone at RGW for the award it is very gratifying ti know that our music is getting "IN THE AIR"

The Instigators Laughing Laughing Laughing

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