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{article/topic_title} Hollywood’s Underbelly Comes to the Surface in Michael Mangia’s The Invisibl

Posted by muzikman on (1672 views)
Arriving October 4, 2005

September 16, 2005--Los Angeles, CA-- Michael Mangia is not your typical artist. And The Invisible Wall is not your typical CD. Set for release October 4, 2005 on Loft Box Records, the latest album from Hollywood-based singer-songwriter-pianist Mangia, while filled with compellingly beautiful melodies on the surface, actually buries some deep dark themes. In many ways, Michael Mangia is the David Lynch of pop music.

{article/topic_title} Fremont John Releases Timeline

Posted by muzikman on (1532 views)

Sarasota, Florida--June 13, 2005--Fremont John’s music is called acoustic thunder, and for a very good reason. His new release Timelineis a powerful musical statement, featuring spine tingling melodies and lyrics that cut like a knife. With nearly 20 years of classical piano training and an equal amount of time on the trombone, John is no stranger to playing a multitude of instruments. His chosen instruments on his new release are the guitar and his incredible voice to accompany his acoustic journeys, which makes his music authoritative and convincing.

{article/topic_title} Cindy Alexander Breaks Through With New Album Angels & Demons

Posted by muzikman on (2209 views)
Sherman Oaks, California--06/06/05--Cindy Alexander has performed with the likes of The Bacon Brothers, Suzanne Vega, Bob Schneider, Ben Taylor, The Bangles, Edwin McCain, Marc Cohn, Howard Jones and Dishwalla. The list is impressive. What is even more astounding than her record of accomplishment is the incredible new album Angels & Demons.

{article/topic_title} Bludshot Offers Alternative Funk In Hip Hop Form

Posted by radiogetswild on (1542 views)

After two years of constant writing, recording, and performing, BLUDSHOT's highly anticipated album, Another Day, is finally complete. Two years of dedication, committment, and passion were poured into this album and the final product is more than Bludshot could have hoped for. Fortunately, it only takes one listen to realize that it has been well worth the wait.

{article/topic_title} Lou Black - A Long Way from Home

Posted by radiogetswild on (1599 views)


Lou Black - A Long Way from Home
by Holly Day,

If you were to have a casual conversation with Lou Black, you'd probably never guess he was capable of a CD like "City of No Winters." His speaking voice, while affable and pleasant enough, sounds only a little like the rich, deep-timbred voice behind the songs on the album, while Lou himself comes across as so nonchalant and, dare I say, humble about his music that those around him might be surprised to find that he went so far as take his music into the studio to record.