radium88 busy at the next album » News » Radio Gets Wild

Indie News radium88 busy at the next album

Posted by radiogetswild on (1417 views)
radium88, busy at the next album, mark their more reflective musical direction entitling the new work "The Jams of Doom". Or at least that's what we're telling most people. Really it refers to the legendary Jampot of the Apocalypse containing the 11th plague mentioned in the Secret Recipe Book of Moses, guarded by a society so secret that no-one has revealed its name and lived. Others, hiding behind a veil of anonymity, seek them out wielding Pies of Death without mercy.

We, nevertheless are unafraid to reveal that at the village fete the Townswomens Guild and the Mothers Union eye each other suspiciously across the green from behind their cryptographically arranged cake stalls...... Yes, should sell a bit better than the last one.

radium88 now at Myspace!

Feel free to read the blogs and add comments while you listen to tracks from the new radium88 album Wow! Infotainment! currently available for sale together with all our other albums at CDBaby (US
based) price $10 plus p+p http://cdbaby.com/cd/radium884 You can listen to a sample of all the tracks here too.

alternatively, if you're in the UK, mail a cheque payable to T Thwaites for £7.50 to

5 Ford Street
New Basford Nottingham

metamorphosis is also available from Music Ghost (UK
(UK based) £8.50 plus p+p

info, links etc http://www.radium88.net


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