CatDesigners on iTunes
So far CatDesigners' Chemical Jazz has been made available through 24 digital download sites while Strange Little Creature is availble on 22 although physical CDs still seem to be the preferred choice of CatDesignes' fans.
However, this week marks the first time that Chemical Jazz has been bought and downloaded in its entirety via iTunes.
In a time when the music industry is speculating that singles and albums are dead
 because of the new download technology it is reassuring for a band like CatDesigners that the artistic integrity of an album is still valued. Even though download technology has been used, it is the whole album that has been downloaded, not just one or two tracks.
"An album is, or at least should be, greater than the sum of its parts," says CatDesigners singer, Nick. "While some artists have released two singles together with nine filler tracks, the best albums are not simply a list of songs cobbled together at random just to use up 40 minutes of your life. Some of my favourite music has come from albums. David Bowie's 'Quicksand', for example, would never have been released as a single and how much more my life would have been empoverished without it."
This is good news indeed for a band that sees itself as an "album band" rather than a "singles band".
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